Thursday, September 10, 2009

Netzavim Vayelech 10-15 minutes

Nitzavim Vayelch
In the Torah as we approach the end of D’varim the Torah iterates its theme of reward and punishment or berachot and kellalot.
PSHAT: Chapter 30 verses 11-16
PSHAT Pasuk 11. Oonkalus Your Tafkid or purpose is to Hadah, exemplify or beautify the expression but most importantly to Keep is Close or as phrased don’t distance yourself from the Torah
Pasuk 12 Context of the departure of Moshe from this world. Odd Contrast, the Torah is eternal Moshe in some sense is eternal in that the Torah is a description of his plight. His plight and the plight of Israel at this moment is not to cry out…There is no longer any more direct voice to the Heavens.
Lo Bashamayim is an affirmation that wisdom, intelligence and innovation are the realm of man, and that one should not go looking to the heavens or to rely on another to be closer to God or and understanding of God than yourself. Lo Bashamayim…you must keep your feet on the ground.
Pasuk 13 Serves as a reminder that our ability not only to enter or re-enter Israel but also to keep and preserve her depends on our wit, innovation and preservation of the justices set forth in our Torah
Pasuk 14 Ki Karov Alecha Keep it close to you. Reminiscent of Shema
Pasuk 15: The Good News and the Bad News
Pasuk 16 Shema “inversion”

Additional Notes:
Mitzavim Nikudim over Lanu Ul’vanenu….m'pohrshim suggest this is additional emphasis joining the generations by placing a Nekudah on every single letter so as to signify that every Jew is a “stakeholder”.
Is essentially a prelude to Ha’Azinu. Vayelech recognizes that Moshe’s life is drawing to an end. Poises Yehoshua to take over the leadership of this people that Moshe has struggled with tremendously.
One of the resounding messages of the Torah is to constantly remind us if what good happens when we are true to the Torah and what bad happens when we falter. Faltering persistently entails idolatry, worshipping false gods and adopting non-Jewish practices and principles.
We can sense the crescendo in Nitzavim, the iterations of berachot and kellalot,
Vayelech is a set up to the actual song of Ha’Azinu
Which will be covered on Shabat Shuva by Rabbi David.

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